Monday, March 21, 2011

A Few Things to know About Bunions and Bunion treatment

Many people suffer with bunions, generally genetics plays a factor in this, so if one notices that either of their parents are sufferers he or she should be extra careful with the type of shoes that they wear. A bunion forms when the normal tendons on the foot become disrupted. Foot deformities are on of the most hereditary traits, and when it comes to bunions several thinks may be a factor in the way that ones bunion started tor form. There a few options for  Bunion Treatment Los Angeles doctors often suggest that patients wear shoes with a large toe box in order to accommodate the bunion if the patient is against surgery.

Individuals find relief in using bunion pads with no medication. The problem with bunions is that ones shoe will rub against the bunion causing friction peeling the skin and causing pain; a bunion pad takes all the friction and minimizes the pain. The only complete cure for bunion pain is Bunion Removal Los Angels patients in some cases may want to avoid surgery, but in most cases the faster one has their bunion removed the easier the alignment is to fix.

Surgery for Hallux Valgus Los Angles removes the bony growth on the side of the toe and restores proper alignment of the toe joint, but ultimately it relieves the pain. There are several different types of procedure to remove bunion the most simple Bunion Surgery Los Angeles is called a bunionectomy. Other procedure is more drastic and done on severe bunions. In those surgery what generally happens is the bone is cut and then the joint is realigned. Recovery period is generally different for everyone and takes several weeks, pain is managed with medication. 

 After surgery one should be careful to follow the doctors order to prevent injury, complication or the re appearance of a bunion. It is important that one wear a surgical boot for as long as one surgeon suggest so that the joint and stays in proper alignment and one does not risk infection or complication. One of the most important steps is to keep ones foot out of water. One should bathe after surgery, wrap the foot in a bag, and keep it out of the bathtub. Many patients become anxious after surgery and want to walk freely however undergoing the surgery a second time may be dangerous. One should speak to their health insurance provider before seeing there doctor for bunion surgery.