Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pain Free Stride

A bunion is an enlargement of the bone or tissue at the base of the big toe; it results in the big toe pointing towards the other toes.  This causes a painful lump on the joint of the foot, requiring Bunion Surgery Los Angeles has several board certified podiatrists that can help alleviate painful symptoms associated with bunions.  While walking, this joint carries a lot of the body’s weight, so with a bunion present, many everyday activities can be extremely painful and difficult.   If left untreated, the joint will become sore and stiff, causing wearing shoes a painful task.  Doctors recommend wearing shoes with a wide and deep toe area, and avoid wearing high heels over two inches. Shoe inserts may be helpful in reducing bunion symptoms and preventing worsening of the deformity.
Foot type is inherited; consequently, problematic bunions also tend to run in families. A common medical term for bunion is Hallux Valgus Los Angeles doctors agree that the deformation is caused by an unbalance in forces exerted on the joints and tendons of the foot. Bunions develop through the years, as a result of a continuous instability and abnormal motions.  They are often a consequence of faulty foot development and are typically caused by the way we walk, our inherited foot type, our shoes, or other factors.

In Los Angeles bunion treatment options differ with the type and severity of each deformity.   Recognizing symptoms of the bunion at an early stage is important in avoiding surgery. The main goal of early treatment options is to relieve pressure and pain on the bunion and stop the progression of deformation at the joint. A podiatric physician must be consulted at the first symptom of pain or discomfort at the joint.  There are several treatment plans that physicians will recommend before a surgical treatment.  However, if pain persists, surgical procedure is required.  If left untreated, bunions will get larger and more painful, making nonsurgical treatment less of an option.

In Los Angeles Hallux Valgus are typically treated with safe surgical procedures.  The surgery removes the bony enlargement and restores the normal alignment of the joint.  For less severe cases, only the bony prominence is removed.  Severe bunions require a more involved procedure, which includes cutting the bone and realigning the joint to relieve pain.  In these cases, recuperation will take time.   Pain, is easily regulated with proper medications prescribed by your podiatric physician, but overtime pain is expected to disappear completely.

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